Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Change: It starts with me"

We are now living in a modern world. There lots of comparisons when we will try to differentiate the earliest century from now. Most of the things we see was made of our modern technologies; because of this changes there lots of benefits given to us, we are enjoying our life and sometimes we forget what will be the negative effects to us and most especially to the mother Earth.
As an individual or being a citizen of our country, I observe unusual things in our environment. We all know that our environment is very significant in our lives especially our nature. The condition of environment is getting worst. I really feel sorry to life of our next generation because they will see the see the world in a bad condition. Our next generations are the most affected victims so it’s sad that they are innocent but they’re suffering all this things. As a nature lover I know that I am at the right age make some change in order help our mother nature I start first changing with myself because I believe that I can be a role model to everybody especially the young generation. In protecting the earth, I had already started planting trees in our yard I know it can contribute a lot in helping nature. I will say to my fellows that they have to put their trashes in order. I promise myself not to burn the plastics. Finally I will do all my best to be a responsible enough and well discipline citizen of our country.
By changing within ourselves, we can do and change a lot. We are all responsible in helping our mother nature, so we must help and make a change just like me. A small thing means a lot so even changing a small part, it can contribute a lot to our nature.